Latest insight
An in-depth view of a Milence Charging Hub: Precise engineering and reliability at the core
The Milence Charging Hubs – a place to rest & recharge
European Union CO2 targets lay out a roadmap for a zero-emission heavy duty vehicle fleet
The Path to Electrifying the Transport Industry through Strategic Partnerships
Powering the heavy duty fleet of tomorrow requires a revamped European grid
Megawatt Charging: The Game-Changer for Electric Heavy-Duty Trucks
Smart Energy Hubs: The Missing Link in Europe’s Mission to More Sustainable Road Transport
Sustainable Road Transport: Why Battery Electric Trucks Lead the Charge
Luis Hurtado charges ahead: ‘We are pushing the industry’
Why battery-electric trucks?
The basics of truck charging
How we will build our network
Meet the team: Leo Jordaan
Meet the team: Roel Vissers